Degrees and Certificates Awarded

Most recent data available: 2023-24
This report includes information on degrees and certificates awarded across the entire UT System by level, gender, race/ethnicity, and age. The same information is also displayed by individual UT System institution.
Degrees and Certificates by Program

Most recent data available: 2023-24
This report includes information on degrees and certificates awarded across the entire UT System by program and demographics. The same information is also displayed by individual UT System institution.
Retention Rates

Most recent data available: 2023 Entering Cohort
This report shows fall-to-fall retention counts and rates for first-time undergraduate students enrolled at academic institutions.
Retention information displayed below may differ from what is reported by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and UT Institutions. UT System uses an internal data warehouse to track students over time and updates this information when new data becomes available.
Graduation Rates

Most recent data available: 2020 Entering Cohort
The graduation rates report includes information on 4-, 5-, and 6-year graduation rates by institution and race/ethnicity. Additionally, 4-year transfer graduation rates, entering cohort counts, and graduation counts are also displayed.
Outcomes for Non-Completers

This report explores the enrollment outcomes, credentials earned, as well as employment status for non-completers in UT academic institutions from academic years 2015-19.
Post-Graduation Earnings Differential

Most recent data available: 2023
This report shows median earnings for completers and non-completers in their 1st through 5th years of employment. The difference in earnings between completers and non-completers for each year of employment is also displayed.
Student Debt

Most recent data available: 2023
This report shows the average debt and percent of graduates with debt across UT System institutions and over time. Additionally, the visuals include comparisons against all four-year schools in the U.S., all four-year public schools in the U.S., all four-year schools in Texas, and all four-year public schools in Texas.