Degrees and Certificates Awarded

Degrees Awarded Thumb

Most recent data available: 2023-24

This report includes information on degrees and certificates awarded across the entire UT System by level, gender, race/ethnicity, and age. The same information is also displayed by individual UT System institution.

Graduation Rates

Graduation Rates

Most recent data available: 2019 Entering Cohort

The graduation rates report includes information on 4-, 5-, and 6-year graduation rates by institution and race/ethnicity. Additionally, 4-year transfer graduation rates, entering cohort counts, and graduation counts are also displayed.

Outcomes for Non-Completers

Outcomes for Non-Completers

This report explores the enrollment outcomes, credentials earned, as well as employment status for non-completers in UT academic institutions from academic years 2015-19.






seekUT Thumbnail

Most recent data available: 2022

seekUT® is a free, online tool and website that presents data on the earnings and educational graduate outcomes of the University of Texas System Institutions.